Christmas Desserts: Chocolate Covered Strawberry Christmas Tree

Christmas desserts don’t have to be complicated! Impress your guests at your next Christmas party with this easy to make Chocolate Covered Strawberry Christmas Tree. This recipe is more of a DIY tutorial than an actual recipe. I came up with the idea myself, but a quick Google search showed me that my “original idea” has been done before. Womp, womp…. I cannot tell you how many times that has happened to me! Ah well, I have never seen anyone do a strawberry Christmas tree like this before so chances are good that your friends haven’t either!

The easiest and least expensive way to make a Christmas tree form is with a sheet of poster board. Tape a piece of twine to the top corner of your board and hold the twine and pencil in your hand. Keeping the twine taut, draw an arc on your board. I started drawing 15 inches down. This makes a rather large tree and will require a LOT of strawberries! Feel free to make your cone smaller or larger depending on your needs. Cut along your line. Trace the cone template on parchment paper or freezer paper and again cut out the pattern. Tape the parchment or freezer paper to the cone. Hot glue the seams of the poster board together to form a cone. 


Poster board
Hot glue gun
Parchment paper or freezer paper
Room-temperature strawberries (I used 5 pints on a 15 inch tall tree.)
2 bags Ghiradelli Dark Melting Wafers (or 16 ounces 60% Ghiradelli chocolate chips melted with 1 T coconut oil)
Fresh mint
Powdered sugar

The easiest and least expensive way to make a Christmas tree form is with a sheet of poster board. Tape a piece of twine to the top corner of your board and hold the twine and pencil in your hand. Keeping the twine taut, draw an arc on your board. I started drawing 15 inches down. This makes a rather large tree and will require a LOT of strawberries! Feel free to make your cone smaller or larger depending on your needs. Cut along your line. Trace the cone template on parchment paper or freezer paper and again cut out the pattern. Tape the parchment or freezer paper to the cone. Hot glue the seams of the poster board together to form a cone. 

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