Fat Head Pizza Crust

Fat Head Pizza Crust – this is going to be your new favorite way to make low carb pizza crust! No more vegetables like cauliflower or broccoli!

Guys, you are going to love this pizza crust. Fat Head Pizza crust is 4 simple ingredients all of which are low carb. They are eggs, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, and almond flour. Almond flour is my favorite low carb flour to work with because I like the nutty flavor it has. It’s kind of expensive, but well worth it in my opinion. I wish they had bigger bags of almond flour at the grocery store. All I can find are small ones.  The first time I tried Fat Head Pizza crust,  I was pretty impressed. It beats any veggie pizza crust out there!



1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
3/4 cup almond flour
2 tablespoons of cream cheese, cubed
1 egg
garlic powder, onion powder, and mixed herbs for seasoning *see notes


Put Mozzarella and cream cheese in a medium bowl
Microwave for 1 min, stir and then another 30 sec, stir
Stir in egg and almond flour
Wet hands and spread “dough” thin on parchment paper. It should spread evenly with dough-like consistency.
Read full recipes here >> https://www.recipe-diaries.com/fat-head-pizza-crust/

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